Archive for the ‘Birth’ Category

Pushing an OP baby

Wednesday, August 12th, 2015

I was recently at a birth where the mama pushed out her OP baby.  OP means posterior! Her will power to have a birth with no interventions, (other than a bit of Gas) was achieved.  I don’t consider Gas to be an intervention or medication

This Mama was given a choice of an episiotomy and a big push – which she said NO!! or  a c-section.  I leaned into her and repeated what the Dr had said, then told her she could have the c-section or she could push this baby out.  She only took a fraction of second to tell us, she “only needed a couple more pushes” – and she was right

3 pushes later we had a beautiful boy – with no episiotomy But better still NO c-section

You could be the next strong woman I meet

Kim …  Loving my Job, Birth and Strong Women

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Women are so Strong

Saturday, January 24th, 2015

I am sure I have written about this before – but I am still so amazed at the resilience and strength women show during labor and delivery.  Women of all backgrounds, sizes and age fascinate me.  When put to the challenge of birthing their baby, the places they draw from, what is needed and then the satisfaction they realize when the baby is put into their arms.

It’s what helps me get out of bed in the middle of the night and drive to a birth.

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Thank you

Friday, May 30th, 2014

I was at a very lovely birth.  I had gone to the prenatal visit and meet with two very lovely people just before Halloween.  We talked more about the birth than their back ground.

The nurses at their birth informed me, that the Dad had never meet his birth parents. Upon meeting his newly born son, he said “I have been waiting all my life to meet you”

A comment that is said in the moment of truth, and heightened emotion, with such depth; I am humbled by what I see and hear while helping people in labour.  Comments made from the centre core of their heart; and the strength of women, as they scrap together the last bit of energy to push out her baby.   It is such a pleasure to assist at someones birth.

Thank you to everyone that has allowed me to be a part of your birth 🙂

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Placenta – to eat or not

Friday, March 16th, 2012

I watched as dad ‘tasted’ the placenta, the care provider sliced a tiny piece when he asked if he could taste it.    What flavour, would you think?   He replied, Nothing, No flavour.

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Spring is almost here and the Babies are being Born!!

Monday, March 5th, 2012

Spring – an amazing time to enjoy.  We get so excited that the weather is changing and warming up, getting rid of the boots and heavy jackets.  Well for me along with Spring is the start of a wonderful season of New Babies!!  I so love being immersed in Birth 🙂

Yesterday an adorable little girl arrived ‘early’, perfect in all ways.  This had been a long awaited event for her parents, and the whole labor and birth was surprisingly quick, especially (and thankfully) for her mother!  What was the best part for me?  For ten minutes, I stood beside Dad, he helped catch his daughter and place her on Mum’s chest.  He was so excited about catching his baby he didn’t look to see what sex the baby was.  Maybe the tears of joy peaking from the corner of his eyes,  made it hard to see 🙂   Mum was asking what they had, with no response from a stunned Dad, she lifted the baby’s leg and screamed, It’s A Girl!  and then the tears ran down Mum’s cheeks.  They both believed it might be a boy, then the discovery of their daughter, brought a serge of excitement for both parents.

It is no wonder that a Doula loves what she does, the excitement of Birth,  is addicting.

I am looking forward to a full new season of Beautiful Babies and Over the Moon Excited Parents!!



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my year starts with a birth

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

I had 74 births in 2011!  I am blessed, thank you to all of my clients, for allowing me to journey with you at your baby’s birth.  I had my last baby on Dec 31 at 8:30 a.m. and my first birth of the year Jan 2 at 10:12 a.m.

I would love to have twins this year.   I look forward to being at your birth – even if you aren’t having twins!!   🙂


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So Excited to Arrive in the Glorious Year 2012

Friday, December 30th, 2011

My last client of the year, due Dec 23 is secretly wishing her baby is born in 2012!  This past month I have attended ten births, and two just since the early morning of Dec 28.  I surprisingly had 3 days at Christmas off, and am hoping that I don’t get a call New Years eve.  I now sit exhausted! and in total and complete joy, for the parents I have helped, bring their babies into this world in 2011.   I attended a total of 73 births this year, wow !! how did I do it??  I know my year went by sooo fast, probably because I was working at my passion – BIRTH!     I thank the Universe for helping me keep my schedule on track – I rely on them so I don’t over lap and have a conflict in labouring mamas.  They did throw me a few loops; like back to back births several times, but I attended all.  Except for the bit of time I took off; I believe I was away for two births.  All in all this was a fabulous year, now for the coming year………

2012 is going to be very successful – if we chose it to be.  For myself; fewer births and delving into Post Partum work.  I have not as yet professionally experienced this side of the birthing picture and I look forward to having more time with babies.  I so enjoyed my four babies when they were new, they are a mystery and a delight 🙂   My schedule is starting to book up, so please contact me soon if you are looking for either doula work or combination birth/postpartum doula work.

Enjoy your New Year’s celebration, be safe.   I wish everyone an abundance of love – peace – joy as we all live together on this glorious planet.

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Birth should be easier!

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

Did you know that statistics have proven that doulas make a huge impact on the comfort of a labouring woman by helping her to achieve an easier, quicker birth.  These numbers continue to increase as doulas become more popular and attend more births.  It makes perfect sense to have help during this time when you are so involved in just trying to breathe.

It is a required medical procedure to have your care provider, whether a doctor, midwife or obstetrician, at your birth.  It should also be essential to have a doula, as doulas can be an integral part of creating a positive birthing experience.

Klaus, Kennell, and Klaus (1993) compiled the results of over fifteen years work with over 1,500 women from several different countries in Mothering the Mother: How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter Easier and Healthier Birth. According to the authors, the benefits of using a doula are as follows:

– 50% reduction in Cesarean rates

– 25% shorter labour

– 60% reduction in epidural requests

– 40% reduction in syntocinon (Oxytocin) use

– 30% reduction in analgesia use

– 40% reduction in forceps delivery

this is from my book “What Does a Doula Do?” – so tell me why would you not want a Doula present at your birth.   In addition, there are so many different techniques and specialties a Doula can use during your labour.

“If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it.”

John H. Kennell

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A long week – 4 Births

Monday, August 1st, 2011

I had four fabulous births this past week – leading up to the New Moon of July 30/ 11.   There was one that was 30 hours; one where the baby was not going to come out, (but by c-section) no matter how hard we changed things; and then two that were quick and easy.    The variety of labor and birth always keep my work fresh and fun.

I am putting this thought out to the world – that the medical insurance companies, should be helping to pay for doulas, both birth and post partum .    The savings on the medical system would be hugely reduced.

I believe when women are attended by doulas, before – during and after birth, we are empowering women to be the best mother they can be.  These babies will run our countries soon and we best make sure all children get the best possible start to life.

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a long journey to birth – For Me!

Monday, July 11th, 2011

Women can journey long and hard, laboring and having their baby.  I recently encountered a long  journey getting to a client.  It started by getting on a ferry going to Vancouver Island, then an hour after being at my destination – I received an unexpected call to attend a client 35 weeks – water broke!  I got on a plane  back to my home town – was picked up and driven to my car, and then drove to the birth.

My day was very exciting, I enjoyed all the glorious scenery – and my client was happy to have me at her and her husbands side as their son was born.  The Universe ensured I was given the proper transport and also allowed for a healthy and perfect baby to arrive – all safely 🙂

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